Does Jiu Jitsu Have Striking? | Easily Explained

One of the most common questions regarding BJJ that we get is "Does Jiu Jitsu Have Striking?".

In this page, we'll go over whether or not BJJ has striking and what the focus of BJJ is.

brazilian jiu jitsu

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Does Jiu Jitsu Have Striking?

The answer is no, Jiu Jitsu does not have striking as it is a grappling-based, ground fighting martial art.

The main focus of Jiu Jitsu is to force an opponent to tap via a submission. BJJ is based off of distance control, leverage, position and submissions to handle other individuals, regardless of their size.


Unlike other sports where size and physical specimens can dominate the field, BJJ can give practitioners of all size and shapes an even playing field.

Despite having no striking involved, BJJ is one of the most efficient ways to use self-defense without being on the receiving end of much (if any) damage.

Jiu Jitsu in MMA

Although pure Jiu Jitsu does not involve strikes, in Mixed Martial arts, Jiu Jitsu can be used to gain advantageous positions, and strikes can be used to set up submissions.

In MMA, BJJ is often used to try and secure a submission, however on the way to doing that, it's very common for them to punch their opponents in the face or body, if their opponent is doing a good job defending the submission.

Mixed Martial Arts is exactly that, where different types of martial arts are used in order to secure a win.

Jiu Jitsu in a Street Fight

Jiu Jitsu is one of the most effective martial arts in a street fight, as you'll be able to safely neutralize your opponent in a short period of time, while receiving little to no damage.

jiu jitsu choke street fight

However, it's important to know that in a street fight, there are no rules. There can be multiple attackers, attackers with weapons, and even slamming on concrete.

This means that in a street fight if you are ever in a situation where BJJ will need to be used, you will have to be hyper-aware of the situation that you are in.

If there are multiple attackers, you will want to disengage and run.

If you decide to go to the ground with an opponent when there are multiple of them, it can lead you into a very dangerous situation that will be extremely difficult to get out of.

Grappling Strength to Control Opponent

Something to point out is 'Grappling Strength'.

This is something that can only be developed by, actually grappling. Although lifting weights can provide you with big strong muscles, it doesn't directly transfer into grappling strength.

BJJ practitioners have phenomenal grappling strength, which directly impacts how tight a squeeze can be, how tough their wrist control is to get out of, and even how difficult it is for an opponent to get BJJ students off of them in general.

This grappling strength is a giant benefit in any fight, and is something that is developed over hundreds of hours on the mat, and can't be developed over a single fight.

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